The Sony PS5’s visuals are already stunning as they are. With a whole host of incredible games on the horizon, it’s essential that all the power the console provides is put to best use.
Now, after the release of a long-awaited update, gamers could potentially be able to exploit the full power of the PS5. This is because Sony has begun to roll out the Variable Refresh Rate update to several of its TVs and display units. It is likely that we can expect to see this VRR update drop soon on the PS5.
With the release of the Variable Refresh Rate update on PS5 ready devices, players can expect the PS5’s graphics to improve significantly. It only makes sense that we should hope to see the VRR update drop for PS5 soon, as it seems to be the case that Sony are moving to improve the compatibility of many of their display units with this feature. The more devices that become VRR compatible, the more likely it is that Sony are prioritizing adding the update to the console itself.
This is exciting news for PS5 owners, as when the update drops on PS5, it means the consoles graphics will become much better, providing players with more graphical fidelity. This is regardless of the device’s brand if it is VRR compatible itself.
What is Variable Refresh Rate?
Variable Refresh Rate is a technique used to stop screen tearing from happening while playing video games. Screen tearing occurs when the refresh rate of a TV or monitor is out of sync with the refresh rate of the game being played on the console, resulting in graphical defects. This is because two frames will try and play at the same time, causing the image to merge and distort.
The usual solution for this problem is for games to be locked at framerate of 30 or 60fps to prevent screen tearing. This is the normal refresh rate that is common for most TVs. This means that the PS5 can’t make optimal use of its power however, as it’s capped to running at 60fps due to the limitations of the TV.
When a console is locked to a certain refresh rate, it forcibly reduces the resolution of the game to maintain the framerate restrictions. This means that many games are unable to maintain the 4k resolution that is promised, as the dynamic resolution is often reduced to consistently run at the 60fps limit.
Unlocked Potential
Variable Refresh Rate will allow the refresh rate to increase or decrease as and when it is necessary. So, in scenes of the game that are more graphically demanding, the refresh rate can drop to maintain the resolution without letting screen tearing happen.
The VRR update will be an important next-gen feature for PS5 as it will not only ensure that gamers get the finest visual experience possible from the greatest PS5 products. It also removes constraints on developers, enabling them to squeeze every drop of power from the console.
Why not prepare for the graphical enhancement by browsing our extensive catalogue of PS5 games today?
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