A “sizeable amount” of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction’s post-launch content will be “completely free” and includes limited-time events
Ubisoft is adding quite some content to Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction.
New challenges coming to the shooter include limited-time “game-changing” Crisis Events which either introduce a new Operator to your roster or a new Protean enemy. The first event – call Spillover – tasks players to wipe out mass colonies of an evolved version of the Sprawl. Successful players will get “exclusive” REACT Tech, new cosmetics, and new lore as a reward.
There are also modes that offer different modifiers to “put players’ skills to the test” such as Veteran mode. This daring mode removes your HUD, limits ammo, and enables friendly fire.

Ubisoft says Maelstrom Protocol, a challenging endgame mode for the more seasoned players, “will be available at launch” and offers “a thrilling weekly challenge mode with tiered ranks” for the “most skilled Rainbow Six players”.
“Players must navigate a series of nine subzones with increasing difficulty, tougher enemies, quickly depleting resources, and allotted time getting shorter at each stage,” the developer explained. “At each checkpoint, squads must choose to either extract to bank their points or attempt to push to the end. Earning points will secure a place for challengers in up to five classes, from Bronze to Silver to Gold, Platinum and even Diamond Class, each rewarding players with special headgear and REACT Credits.”
While assignments and Maelstrom Protocol are expected to be available from launch, Crisis Events won’t be live until “soon after”.
Each standard edition of Extraction will come with two Buddy Pass tokens, where friends can play with them for two weeks at no extra cost. Any progress made by your buddy will transfer over should they go on to purchase the full game. Pre-orders are now live.
Ubisoft recently revealed new details of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction, stating it will have “deep gameplay systems, operator progression, and more”. The action will take place across four US regions – although only New York and San Francisco have been confirmed right now – with each map promising to be “roughly three times the size of previous Rainbow Six Siege maps” and boasting their own dynamic modifiers to keep your missions feeling fresh. There’s also a new leveling system, too.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction will be available from January 20, 2022. It will offer “full” cross-save, cross-play, and cross-progression.
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