Hello everyone. I’ve been working at Go2Games for around 3 months. As today’s a bit slow news-wise, thought I’d take a page out of Aslan’s book and write a little on my time with the company.
How does my work… Work? I’m so glad I asked! Barring extenuating circumstances, most of my Go2Games work varies between two types of tasks. One is the comedy news blogs where I showcase my terminal addiction to “Bobbert Kotique”, anti-corporate mockery and highly suggestive poems about Lottie from Animal Crossing! The other kind of task is ‘descrips’, wherein I essentially write slightly re-worded descriptions and information about a list of products on a shared document that (I’m assuming) will be coming to the Go2Games store. For some ungodly reason, I find the descrips harder to burn through, but have been improving with them.
Why the YouTube Fetish? I have a tendency to link to and source YouTubers in alot of my blogs because inserting links from different places helps improve analytics… Somehow. Besides that, I also understand some people can be skeptical of “oh, you heard someone say that in an internet video? That doesn’t sound dodgy in the slightest”. That’s fair enough in a lot of cases, but most of the content creators I reference or enjoy also heavily cite their sources for different claims, which can SOMETIMES be a good way of separating the Weetabix from the chaff grenades. I say sometimes because blokes like Steven Chowder or Carlgon of Schmitt are also big creators who make a song and dance about having citations, but those guys have gotten their intellectual spanking from every lefty YouTuber and their grandma, so won’t dwell on them too much here. Speaking of YouTube, have a look at my channel Top-Not Analysis.
Product Poems? Really? Really, really. This blog branch of Go2Games has to make money somehow and part of that is through linking products on the Go2Games store into blogs. Some things are easier to integrate than others, so I came up with Product Poems as a fun way to circumvent that by tacking them on at the end.
In summary: Working at Go2Games has been a very fruitful and enjoyable experience. My colleagues and higher-ups have been very friendly, I’m glad to say I’ve had the opportunity to work with them.
My Top Product Poems: My only rule is I’m excluding the Lottie ones for this blog, otherwise things would get really samey really fast! If you want to hunt for them, go to the search bar, type ‘Lottie’ in the blog section and thank me later. Or click here if you want to buy your own Lottie… For the meme!
Doom Eternal. Cute inferno. Shooty-bang-bang on hell spawn, yo.
No straight roads? That’s what he said! I’ll get it! “Not at 3am hun”.
There was once a young woman named Barbie, one day she got bit by a zombie! But she didn’t turn, for soon she would learn, she had no brains- “oh, harder Harvey”!
There is no Street Fighter Five in Ba Sing Se. Shirt? What shirt? God, no!
Chronos before ashes, a God. A God before ashes? A thought.
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