Between this and the article gushing over Paidia, I’m starting to get the feeling I’m shooting myself in the foot with a BFG by not choosing topics that let me shill for Go2Games more naturally, but hey ho, I like a challenge!
New Zealand and multiple other countries have been taking part in Single’s Day, a November 11th celebration serving as a sort of corporate clap-back to how commercialized Valentine’s Day is, which… Doesn’t that feel a little poor-taste? Just an eensy-weensy teeny-tiny widdle bit? That’d be like if Gavin McInnes dismantled the Proud Boys, like, it’s sweet you did that, but it’s basically solving a problem that you started, so-

Origins: Single’s Day started in China circa 2009, the non-moon-based logic behind choosing November 11th is because single, one, all ones, the loneliest number you can ever do, you get the idea. Though two can be as bad as one, so can’t complain too much.
In celebration of Single’s Day, The Market is reducing it’s prices by 11% accordingly for today. The catch is you can only get the discount if you’re a Market Club member, which is free to sign up for. Then use code 11ELEVEN at checkout, Bob’s your Uncle.
An Open Letter On The Go2Games Single’s Day Experience:
Are we doing a single’s day sale? Did we consider this would end up being a thing? Did we consider in advance that this would probably be a good thing to capitalise on!? Definitely not, but just look at it this way (and I’m channeling my best impression of The Bourgeois Elite for this one): We at Go2Games highly value equality for all. Dare I say, we YEARN for true equality. So if you want a gaming and tech shopping experience that treats it’s customers to the same prices without inflicting the despair-filled mourning period one experiences after discovering their lateness for a sale, you come right on over to us! For you see! We, the salesmen, saleswomen and salesnonbinaries know that you should in fact NOT purchase a product when on sale, because it is only fair that those participating in The Free Market TM pay their way to ensure that said money from a full-price purchase goes towards supporting employees everywhere. FOR YOU SEE! You, dear reader, are a strong independent money-owner who don’t need no discount! … Except when we do discounts, then it’s fine, obviously!
So, while I have your attention with my maxed-out charisma stat, let’s look at some Go2Games items that could help make your single’s day better. And no rush to purchase, because the prices today will be the same as tomorrow!
Catherine: Full Body (£17.99): Now I know what you’re thinking. “A game about a bloke deciding whether he wants to cheat on his girlfriend or stay with her and fix things? That’s not very pro-singlehood of me”. To that I say “you are absolutely right, but Persona 5 and Royal sold out, so get ready to learn about booze trivia from successfully completing puzzle-platformer segments… for… Some reason”.
The Bioshock Collection (£21.50): Because what’s better than one game seeing you explore a dystopian civilization with thematic depth, plot twists and making things go shooty-bang-bang? Well, 2 of those! Also including DLC.
The Mortal Kombat X and Scorpion’s Revenge Double-Pack (£27.99): Because what says “strong independent man/woman/nonbinary folk” like eviscerating your opponent in single “Kombat”? RHETORICAL QUESTION!
Dead Cells: The Prisoner’s Edition (£112.99): Because I’ve been watching Dead Pixels on Netflix lately and it is hilarious. As good a reason to shill as any! This edition includes extra merch and DLC!
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