Throughout gaming history, Nintendo has given us some of the most beloved gaming franchises there is. From Super Smash Bros to Animal Crossing, we’ve certainly been treated well the last thirty years. However, one that probably stands tallest amongst the crowd is the racing game Mario Kart. Originating way back on the SNES with Super Mario Kart, we’ve been gifted 14 games to date with over 150 million copies sold.
Amongst those sales, it appears, was the infamous Usain Bolt, who may be known for his speedy antics on the track, but seems like he can hold his own on Rainbow Road too. Who’d have thought ay?
With an incredible eight gold medals to his name, the fastest man in the world recently revealed to BBC Gaming reporter Steffan Powell that he enjoyed playing video games whilst growing up in Jamaica. Not only this, but it may have actually caused him to miss some training sessions too (not that that’s made much a difference mind you). We’ve all been there Bolt.
Despite this occasional truancy, he actually believed that Mario Kart may have helped him become a better athlete. He believes that the games “helped his hunger” and it gave him that attitude where he “just wanted to win”. Fair enough, Mario Kart can get rather competitive. So you hear that all you Mario Kart lovers? You too can become the fastest man in the world as long as you manage to find a balance between your running and your skills in coconut mall.
Additionally, Bolt also revealed that he may have even taken a different path if he was brought up in today’s environment. If he could start his career again, he may have considered a career in esports instead. Imagine tuning into Bolt on a Twitch stream. Hey its certainly not beyond the realms of possibilities nowadays since his retirement. We’d definitely tune into see if he’s just as good as Mario Kart as he is at running.
This does beg the question though. Which maps do you think Bolt would be best at racing on? What are your personal favourite ones throughout the franchises existence. We’ve decided to compel a list of the top three Mario Kart tracks throughout the series. If you don’t fancy checking out the list down below, well don’t worry! However, we do insist that you head right on over to our store and buy the Nintendo Switch with Mario Kart instead. Sounds like a good compromise? We’re glad you think so.
My Top Three Mario Kart Tracks In History
So who’s ready to dive into this then? We all have our person preferences, so please don’t hate me for having mine! Lets make this a hate free zone, as lets be honest there’s very few genuinely bad Mario Kart tracks. And if there is, well that’s a whole other list I’d have to look into. In the meantime, lets stick with the positivity, especially when times are so negative!
3. Moo Moo Meadows (Mario Kart 8)
First appearing in Mario Kart 64’s as “Moo Moo Farms”, this new layout brought a whole new fun dimension to the farming map. The addition of roaming cows and troubling mud made it just a bit more challenging to add an extra layer of competitiveness to the whole experience. Not only this, but got to witness that looming barn in all its HD beauty. A worthy edition to the great franchise.
2. Waluigi Pinball (Mario Kart 7)
Racing alongside freakishly large pin balls across a giant table with flippers and score targets. Does much more need to be said about this amazing track? The bright lights and ecstatic atmosphere help create a bundle of fun to drive in. Whilst the original version isn’t quite as good, we think the Mario Kart 7 version is unrivalled. This gives you even more reason to load up the 2011 title once more and get cracking on! And now for number one…
1. Rainbow Road (All Versions)
Is this cheating? I feel like it’s somewhat cheating. Nevertheless, I’m doing it anyway. Its impossible to pick just one version of the iconic track, so therefore I haven’t! Each galactic mission feels just as good as the last, and cannot be limited to just one game. We’ve all had our fair share of Rainbow Road stories to tell and we’d love to hear yours. Overall, the most famous track just simply has to be the best for me.
So there we have it! That’s my top three tracks in Mario Kart History. I wonder what ones Bolt himself was most fond of. If you disagree with any of my suggestions well let me know what your favourites are down below! Similarly, why not check out all the details on the latest entry in another classic Nintendo franchise.
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