Microsoft and Twitch have banded together to host a third ID@Xbox indie games showcase next week
Following from the previous game showcase from March and August last year, this year’s showcase will take place on Wednesday, March 16th at 6PM GMT/1PM ET/10AM PT.
“We’ll be featuring updates, new trailers, and gameplay from Finji and Whitethorn, as w
ell as the first game from iam8bit’s brand new publishing label,” Xbox said.
“In addition to all this, fans will also get a chance to see the latest and hear from teams working on Shredders, Roblox, and some new games that you need to tune in for to see!”
The ID@Xbox will be streaming exclusively on Twitch. Microsoft made the decision to bring back Twitch streaming integration directly into the Xbox dashboard last month. The twitch app can be found by navigating to the “Capture and Share” tab on the guide and selecting “Live streaming”. If not purchased yet you can download the app for free off the Microsoft store. Players also need to link their Twitch account by scanning the QR code with a mobile device or by visiting the URL on PC or mobile.