Oh, Lost Ark, thank you for being co-developed by Amazon Games, now I can flex my New World-roasting hamstring again! Can’t be as cartoonishly harsh as usual on account of Lost Ark becoming quite well-received, but hey, I like a challenge.
For a little while though, some players have had difficulties accessing premium content in-game, some not even able to touch the in-game store.
A community manager of the official Lost Ark forum shared a statement regarding the missing premium items and store updates here… Sweet Baby Jesus, I’m not even joking when I say the Lost Ark and New World forum website formats are… Uncannily similar, to put it mildly! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Amazon Games might’ve given up on trying to salvage New World and jump ship to something that’s running a tighter one… But what do I know.
And on that note, Lost Ark has been encountering some server instability issues in largely European regions, in part due to high player traffic, which… Between this, New World’s similar issue and the PS5 sales shortage, I think I smell a recurring 2020’s theme coming on.
‘So when will these missing Premium Content items, Crystalline Auras and more come back? Well, the developers are working on a fix. There is no exact date or time for the upcoming update that will fix most of those “major commerce-related issues.
It is important to note that the developers are “hoping” to include all the fixes in the Lost Ark update and on 15th February 2022, they noted “we are prepping for this coming week’ – Lost Ark Manager TrevzorFTW.

Lost Ark is a free to play MMO RPG on PC.
Product Poems:
Transformers. Stylish battlefield. Decepticons go boom, yo.
Racing, so racy, face racers-galore. Love racing, race-rating, ace-racing and more!
Gran Turismo 7. Vrewm. Shooty shooty bang-bang? Doom
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