The new update is set to arrive today at 4 P.M. UK time.
Phasmophobia continues to grow since its incredibly successful early access launch just over a year ago. For those unaware, the terrifying multiplayer experience revolves around you and your friends assuming the role of amateur ghost hunters, adventuring into haunted locations attempting to identify the unknown entity.
The co-op ghost-hunting game was created by 25-year-old UK indie developer ‘Dknighter’, who recently took to Phasmophobia’s Steam page to announce the planned expansion of studio Kinetic Games.
“Over the past few years, I have been developing Phasmophobia on my own; however, due to how much it has grown in both popularity and its future content plans, it is now time to expand the team,” Dknighter said at the time.
“I have now started the process of hiring an experienced artist and a programmer to work on Phasmophobia. They will both start working with me on future content very soon as well as improving and expanding on the current content.”
Since its launch, the developer has consistently introduced new features and ghosts into the game, maintaining the title’s active status on Twitch. A neat touch was the ability to interact with the environment once murdered, spooking your friends in the land of the living. Newly introduced ghost types have included the Yokai and the Hantu, who hail from different regions worldwide.
We previously reported on a Halloween update set to bring us a new game mode and two new ghost types. It has now been revealed that this Halloween update, Nightmare, will roll out on 25th October at 4pm UK time.
“Been quiet on here lately, but here’s some exciting news,” developer Kinetic Games teased on its social media channels, accompanying the statement with a single image that shows the name, date, and time the update is expected to go live over a screenshot of a single camping tent.
Alongside the mentioned additions, there will also be a rework to the difficulty, and a new campsite map – which matches what the team tweeted out yesterday – and “much, much more”.
Phasmophobia’s last update, Exposition, rolled out at the end of August. The new content fixed numerous bugs and features “new and improved” equipment, including the DOTS projector and two additional ghosts, “the newly discovered Myling and Goryo”.
In other news, October has seen some big next-gen titles being released, including the likes of FIFA 22, Far Cry 6 and Left 4 Dead’s spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood. You can purchase all of these titles, as well as pre-ordering Call of Duty Vanguard, from our Go2Games website.
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