Fortnite, Shortnitemares, Releases and More - Get2Gaming


Details Man, They Are Important:

Fortnite announced a Halloween event called Shortnitemares, wherein players and friends can squad up and watch a series of animated Halloween-themed short movies. For more on that, check my last article here, but to briefly summarise the best bits: No more pesky waiting times, just enter an in-game cinema any time and start whenever you like. Also a couple of relatively hilarious prequel memes about Monopoly’s Fortnite crossover coincidence, but more on the leaks about that here.

Updates Man, They Are Important:

Oopsie daisy, turns out I already covered that one, but to summarise a couple points:

  • Cool weapons go brr.
  • Areas with more cubism than Picasso.
  • “This must be the work of an enemy stand”.
  • And a partridge in a Jack O’ Lantern being roasted over a funeral pyre by Tim Burton.

Of Short Fortnitemares and Fort Shortnitemares:

Epic Games has announced the event will run from October 28th at 6pm ET through November 1st 6pm ET, and can be viewable at any time in between.

Players who watch Shortnitemares for at least 30 minutes will be rewarded with the Spray Matter Spray. The Shortnitemares-themed Kernel Poppy skin will become available October 27 alongside the Slurpy Slush’em Back Bling and Butter Buddy Emote, which sees the character get an unexpected helping hand eating their popcorn… Which is to say only slightly less existentially horrifying than a sentient zombie banana that comes from the Frubes school of gut excretion, which is probably more suitable for Halloween than I thought, considering their slogan used to be “rip their heads off and suck their guts out”.

“Stare into the deep wide gaze of the abyss, and it will stare back, for I have seen the bowels of hell on Earth and it is the ideology of the Frube” – Frederic Nietzsche… Probably

Overall, a pretty good month for all of y’all into spooky stuff, considering the Resident Evil crossover, the Walking Dead additions and more. Heck, Jill Sandwichmaker and the gang even got their own Dead By Daylight expansion, that’s neat. Only minor complaint is the mission system kinda suuucks! I mean, you can only have 5 at a time AND can’t get them unless you search for some NPC penis first? What gives Epic, c’mon.

Fortnite is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. We also sell Fortnite merch and bundles here at Go2Games, so have a butcher’s if you’re interested.

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