The wordle craze continues with a web-based clone for the massively popular battle royale game
It is impossible to deny the rapid success of Wordle. The word game has taken the internet by storm, as players fight to keep their streaks alive by carefully guessing the Wordle word of the day. The game even became popular enough to be purchased by The New York Times. With such success, comes imitations. With everything under the sun getting some sort of Wordle clone, why not Fortnite? That’s what the folks at Fortniteskins.com figured, and they have now created their own Fortnite-themed version of Wordle called Fortle that you can now place once per day.
Unlike some other Wordle clones, the rules here are identical, it’s just that the word list is Fortnite themed instead of using all 2,000+ viable words from the New York Times version of the game. The colours have also received changes, to match the theme of Fortnite. Gold (like the legendary items) means you have the right letter in the right spot, purple (like epic items) means you have the right letter in the wrong spot. Grey is wrong letter, wrong spot.
Fortnite has managed to build up an impressive amount of content and story over the course of it’s first two chapters, and the three seasons of the current third chapter. As such, there’s a surprisingly high number of five letter words that fit within the game’s theming. BUILD, STONE, FORTS, SPIES, TREES, STORM, KNOCK, FIGHT, SPAWN, SCOPE, PHASE, CRANK etc. But if you’re having trouble, it also helps that the same website that Fortle is on houses the entire library of the Fortnite content that can easily be used as a mini cheat sheet if needed. Not that we encourage the very serious business that is cheating at Wordle.
Fortnite News
As for Fortnite itself, the current Doctor Strange led season has been making a few waves by shaking up it’s core gameplay, by disabling it’s signature building mechanics. Chapter 3, season 2 involves warfare between factions on the ground, and we are starting to see IO blimps crash to the surface as a result of the fighting. Fortnite recently donated all proceeds from the first two weeks of the season to Ukraine relief (thanks to the war theme being very ill-timed), which raised an astonishing $144 million in just two weeks.
For more on Wordle, the popular puzzle game has already been fully recreated within Minecraft by dedicated fans.
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