The Skippable Backstory Cutsce- I mean paragraph: New World. Sweetie. Darling. Love of My Life. You may have addressed issues that wouldn’t have been present if you just delayed the game’s release. You may have pinned a lot of said issues on AI programming to fix things on the fly. You may have even disabled transfers and character creation for a time due to said rushing of release… But I love a good roast, so thank you Amazon. Also, I’m don’t know how much my knowledge of Post-Colonialist or Critical Race Theory will be relevant (spoiler alert, not much since I haven’t played it yet), but there’s always our PS4 and Gold Edition PS5 versions of Greedfall on our store given its supposed similarities to New World.
For the blessedly uninitiated: New World is an open-world RPG action game. Also, not gonna lie, before I found out of the oodles of bugs and issues, the New World trailer really does paint a picture for a (hypothetically speaking) pretty good game.
Canadian YouTuber and Twitch streamer Shroud has claimed New World will be seeing an improved gameplay patch, though some players aren’t as enthusiastic as others.
The developers of New World announced in a recent blog post that the main combat changes will include tweaking of dodge-cancels, weapon swapping and attack input windows. More specifically, the devs want weapon swapping to be more integral to combat, maybe hinting at a sort of contextual weapon weakness system where some tools work better on specific enemies than others (though let’s not mince words, it’s mostly because sometimes you end up attacking with your last weapon even after clicking to change to another one).
There will also be some changes to some in-game skills to encourage more use of multiple abilities for different situations.
The post ended with the developer’s stating they want combat to feel as fluid as possible, also encouraging feedback from players… So you got me New World devs. Taking the mick is fun, but I fancy myself a bit of an “ArTiStE” at the best of times, so I understand how it can feel to work long and hard on something that doesn’t turn out quite right… I mean, not right now, because I get paid to make non sequitur jokes about vampiric burlap sacks and gaming news, but I hope things pan out for you New World devs.

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