Author: Aslan Maton


My first two weeks at G2G seem to have passed in a flash! I really enjoy the work, from writing blogs to product descriptions, so the days seem to fly by. My first week started off with a competition: whoever wrote the most content descriptions in the week would take home any game from the […]


Chinese outlet China News reported on September 24, that China’s Game Publishers Association Publications Committee (GPC) have announced new self-regulation guidelines for video game companies. 213 game companies signed these guidelines, including NetEase, Tencent, and Sony Interactive Entertainment Shangai. These regulations include the limitation of hours children can spend gaming, which have already been put […]


MiHoYo’s lawsuit against Bilibili signals a crackdown on leaks – fans are calling it the ‘leakers hunt decree’ The anniversary of Genshin Impact is quickly approaching, but instead of celebration, there’s plenty of tension in the community. The ‘leaker hunt decree’, named after the Vision Hunt Decree from the game, has left a sour taste […]

About us

G2G Limited is a high quality retailer of computer games, consoles and accessories. G2G are committed to providing the latest and greatest titles, as well as a wide ranging archive of fully refurbished releases. G2G is committed to unprecedented and personal customer service powered by our principles of highly competitive pricing, fast and effective service, and a genuine love for gaming on all platforms. Our relationships with distributors and publishers allow us to be a market leading specialist in getting the right games to you at the best possible prices. We are contactable at any time to service your needs on all issues regarding the highly competitive games retail market.



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